Friday, November 12, 2010

Turkey cooking tips begins with the selection of Your Bird

I have to cook a lot of turkey tips to help you get in this year, but your first choice, the bird. There are many different classifications and labels are arranged on Thanksgiving poultry, and it can be confusing to know to buy what type of poultry.

A "free range" bird can not think as much free range as you. The USDA only requires that birds have "some access to the outdoors." It is important to know what was your turkey as the USDA label, which fed him placed afternarrow definitions.

A "Fresh Turkey" should not have been frozen, must consider. You would be wrong. A "fresh" Turkey is held at 26 degrees Fahrenheit, 6 degrees below the freezing temperature of the water. This is permissible, because Turkey is not skin and meat to 26 degrees will freeze. However, freeze the water in Turkey and expand, leading to potential damage.

The best of my kitchen tips Turkey is not always a turkey to buy ice crystals formed. These frozenTurkey can be thawed and then frozen slowly, so that to form ice crystals.

The USDA will also add "inspected for wholesomeness" and a "degree" stamp on slaughtered poultry. The classification is a purely voluntary program, the quality of the carcass, not taste or nutritional value studied.

Turkeys are adjusted according to age. A "Fryer / Roaster" is under the age of 16 weeks. It is a very young turkey with flexible cartilage, and low body fat. A "young" Turkey is 5-7 months old and ismost of the turkeys sold. A "defector" is about a year old, and a "mature" Turkey is more than 13 months old.

Generally, the older the bird, the harder, but taste the meat. Obviously, larger birds are more mature than it takes longer for the pounds back.

If you do not have the ability to pre-order and visit your local turkey farm on the absolute freshest Turkey get to visit my kitchen Turkey tip to your local grocery store.

The commercially produced turkeysflash frozen at extremely low temperatures in the shortest possible time. This keeps the ice crystals form, to a minimum. ice crystals to expand and tear the flesh of a slow-frozen bird.

How much Turkey should buy? I recommend 1 pound per person that you are feeding. After about 20% and 40% waste cooking loss, you have 5 ounces per person. That's enough for Thanksgiving dinner and a few leftovers for the next day.

This kitchen Turkey tips will givenecessary information for your own decisions about what to buy.

If you have an additional tip for Turkey Buyers, your comment is welcomed here:

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