Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Waterless Cooking Demystified - Part 5 - How to waterless cookware Cook

Remember, there's really no trick to cooking utensils. The simple idea of cooking with waterless cookware waterless with:

Prepare meals, with or without addition of water to a boil.
Start cooking over medium heat.
Wait to start naturally fluid to make steam, preferably with the aid of the enlarged buttons (see below).
Turn the heat to be low or off and simmer to finish cooking.

Add or no water?

If you are cooking dry foodsuch as rice or spaghetti, you need a small amount of water, just enough to cover the bottom of the pot.
When you add cooking food such as vegetables, you do not generally need water. The vegetables will cook in their natural juices.

When turn down / off the Heat?

You turn down the heat or if liquid natural start to life, to transform steam. How do you know? You can either manually watching them as you like, or with conventional cookware you canAdvanced buttons are some of the waterless cookware to assist you.

Buttons with Stream Control Valve: first, the juices sealed the lid tightly and formed enough steam, a steam valve will sound a warning for you to close the value and turn the heat to low or out.
Buttons with Thermo Control: a color-coded thermometer on the button will help you control the cooking temperature quickly and easily. Once the desired temperature is reached, you can turn off the heat to low and simmer or until once againfinish cooking.

I heard personally prefer buttons with steam control valve, a whistle to let you know that heat can be reduced or completely turned off, this reduces your efforts of the "pot-baby-sitting."

Can Cook cooking stack with waterless You!

Some waterless cookware set also gives you the practical function of stack cooking. For example, you can cook a roast or chicken with potatoes and carrots in soil and vegetables in theMiddle pan and another one in the upper bowl. When stack cooking, remember to always start each cooking pan on a burner until natural liquid begins to steam to make (for cooking with steam valve knob, you hear the steam valve whistle), then stack on cooking. The heat is transferred from the bottom tray to the top. This is a time saving, if you to cook multiple items are. But all waterless cookware is not suitable for cooking stacked. Check the productionDescription carefully, if this feature is desirable for you.


This method of waterless cooking takes some used to but once you get the hang of you never to conventional cookware.

Read the rest of the article in the series: How Does Waterless Cookware to work? What are the 7 benefits of waterless cooking? ...

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